I want to make the " Kuih Bakul"or" Nian Gao", It is difficult to find banana leaves in town but the village had no problems. It is must for us during each Chinese New Year(CNY).
Kuih Bakul, like many other CNY traditions also symbolises good luck, with the" Nian Gao" pronunciation in Mandarin that sound similar to ' a better year' especially in income.
600g Glutinous rice flour, 600ml water, 250g white sugar, 250g brown sugar and 100ml golden syrup.
Material & utensil needed:
Few pieces of banana leaves, 1 sheet of aluminum foil, 1 round mould 7'and 1 round mould 5'.
1. Combine glutinous rice flour with water. Mix evenly, add in sugar, syrup and knead till mixture is soft and sugar is dissolved.
2. Strain no.1 into a seven inches mould. Cover top with foil to prevent condensation water from dripping onto surface. Place mould into a pressure cooker. Cook kuih for 30-40 minutes.
3. Cut banana leaves into rectangular shape. Stack three layers to line the four sides of a five inches mould. Stack another three layer to act as a top cover.
4. Remove no.2 and pour into no.3 with the aid of a pair of chopsticks or a wooden spatula. Steam in a normal steamer for one to two hours.
Wonder where I can get the halal version of this...