Do not think of fiber is trivial. Fiber is actually needed by the body to facilitate digestion. Digestive problems not only make your body feel uncomfortable, can cause various diseases. One of colon cancer.
To maintain digestive health, we need at least 20-30 grams of fiber. Fiber can be obtained from vegetables and fruits, wheat and jelly(agar-agar). Why jelly is said to have good fiber content? This is because jelly made of seaweed.
Fiber function in order-to not only launch the digestion, but also help reduce the rate of sugar, cholesterol, fiber and neutralize stomach acid. To you who are dieting as well and want to control food intake, eat jelly for fiber found in so-fast to be able to make us feel full.
Taking into jelly every day is not boring as jelly can be treated with a variety of variations. The important thing is how very easily treated.