Chocolate does not cause tooth damage. A study conducted the University of Osaka, Japan found that cocoa contains antibacterial agents that prevent tooth decay. However, sugar content in chocolate affects the function of this agent is at once cause tooth decay.
Chocolate does not stimulate the growth of acne. Researchers Faculty of Medicine, Pennsylvania and U.S. Naval Academy mention taking pure chocolate does not cause acne or make any effect to the skin condition. . In fact, many believe the doctor did not have any pimples associated with dietary patterns. However, acne problems can occur if chocolate contains milk.
Caffeine content in chocolate does not cause feeling restless. Cocoa contains stimulating substances such as caffeine and theobromine, but in small quantities and decreasing during the production of chocolate. Study finds 1 ounce (28.3 grams) bitter chocolate contains 5 to 10 milligram (mg) 10mg caffeine and caffeine in 170 milliliter (ml) cup of cocoa compared to 100-150 mg caffeine in 220 ml cup of coffee. You need to eat more than a dozen chocolate to get the same amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee. A further study found, the smell of chocolate can create a sense of calm (through stimulus theta waves in the brain.
Chocolate does not cause head dizzy. There is no strong evidence to support this opinion. However, no study considers chocolate stimulates headaches, especially migraine patients.
Chocolate does not raise cholesterol levels. Studies by the Mayo Clinic found that chocolate contains satiric acid, a neutral fat that does not result in enhancing the unhealthy cholesterol (LDL). In fact, fat cocoa in chocolate contains Oleic acid, a mono unsaturated fat, which is also found in olive oil. It actually increases the healthy fat that the body needed (HDL).
Chocolate does not unhealthy food. Chocolate contains many nutrients even in small quantities. 1.5 ounce piece of milk chocolate (42.45gram) contains 3 grams (g) protein, 15% of the total daily intake of riboflavin; 9% calcium and 7% iron.
Chocolate does not regulate behavior and mood. Researchers at the Neurosciences Institute, San Diego, California, reported chocolate contains substances that control mood or behavior of a person. This material is said to affect as marijuana, which stimulate the physical and psychological reactions. However, substance in chocolate is small and does not cause the response unless it is excessive consumption of chocolate - more than 25 pounds (11 kilograms) of chocolate to eat once. This material also does not cause a person addicted to chocolate.
Chocolate does not stimulate heart disease. Research Mayo Clinic, University of California, University of Scranton and the Pennsylvania State University indicates chocolate contains chemicals, flavonoids, which improve cardiovascular health. They also act as antioxidants that prevent or slow the damage body cells and tissues.
Chocolate does not worsen the situation coughing. Many believe that chocolate is good for those who are coughing. In fact, chocolate is effective in preventing coughing continued. Theobromine in chocolate is found more effective than codeine, cough medicine the most popular at the moment. Chocolate also available easy and moisture throat.
Chocolate does not cause cancer. Chocolate is the food that has the highest lead content, however, Authorities United States Food and Drug mention lead content in chocolate is very low and not harmful effects even in large quantities consumed.