Agar-agar, a vegetarian gelatin a various species of alga or seaweed. 'Agar' is word come from Malay word 'agar-agar' meaning jelly. Had a craving for something cool, soft and jiggly, that's when we decided to test out the few brands instant jelly available in market. Only managed to find some different types on the shelf powder or China glass (dry ocean vegetable), I found out that these jellies don't set too well in plastic moulds with grooved designs, they tend to break when unmoulded.
This is a loll to prepare and it doesn't even need refrigeration to set, although the jelly crystals take a little longer than the rest to dissolve. Just stir contents in hot water and pour into moulds and watch it set as it cools. But, I prefer jellies to be served chilled so I popped it into the fridge and it tasted lovely.
Also very easy to prepare and sets well too. Flavour is pleasant with a soft as silk texture. Good eaten on its own, made into a trifle or any other dessert that strikes your fancy.
you're probably heard or seen it on TV show and movies, Jell-O has been around for yonks. It's just as easy to make as the rest, stir and pour to set. the texture has more bite to it and the flavouring, I found to be quite strong. And it tends to dissolve faster than the other brand when left at room temperature. Other than, it is pretty good.
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